Ralph Wiggum
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:13 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Heft Fine
Song Author
Bloodhound Gang
File Size
68 KB
I'm going to Af-ric-a
yes ma'am I'm
a brick was President Lincoln
o-kay? mit-ten
There's a dog
in thevent
chicken necks?
I pick Ken Griffey Jr.
I fell out 2 times
I'm pedaling
backwards this
snowflake tastes
like fish sticks we're a
totem pole
dying tickles
I heard a Frankenstein
lives there
she's touching my
special a-re-a
go ban-an-a
Ral-phie Ral-phie
Get off Get off
The stage The Stage
Sweet-heart Sweet-heart
O-h Can Y-ou Rock?
I'm a Pop Sen-sa-tion
I'm a Pop Sen-sa-tion
Sal-mon gut-ter?
I'm ida-ho
you smell like
dead bun-nies
that's where I saw the le-pre-chaun
from toys are fun
you're not it
that is so
Nine-teen Nine-ty-One
I bit my tongue
Ral-phie Ral-phie
Get off Get off
The stage The Stage
Sweet-heart Sweet-heart
O-h Can Y-ou Rock?
I'm a Pop Sen-sa-tion
I'm a Pop Sen-sa-tion
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
Y-van eht ni-oj
My sash says ul-tra-man